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Oh for a heart to praise my God

    • Oh, for a life to please my God, 
    • in every little thing, 
    • a holy life, that day by day 
    • to Him will glory bring! 

    • A life lived only unto Him, 
    • no double aim in view, 
    • the outcome of a Christ-like heart, 
    • by God made pure and new. 

    • A life which Jesus guides alone, 
    • o'er which He has control! 
    • A life which others seeing, say 
    • that Jesus owns the whole. 

    • Jesus, complete Thy work in me, 
    • the work Thou hast begun: 
    • each day may I grow more like Thee, 
    • until my race is run. 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: J H Watson, Language: English, Viewed: 564 times