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Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

    • Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation; 
    • O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy 
    • health and salvation; 
    • all ye who hear, 
    • brothers and sisters, draw near, 
    • praise Him in glad adoration. 

    • Praise to the Lord, who o‟er all 
    • things so wondrously reigneth, 
    • shelters thee under His wings, yea, 
    • so gently sustaineth: 
    • hast thou not seen? 
    • all that is needful hath been 
    • granted in what He ordaineth. 

    • Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy 
    • work, and defend thee! 
    • Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee. 
    • Ponder anew 
    • what the Almighty can do, 
    • who with His love doth befriend thee. 

    • Praise to the Lord! O let all that is 
    • in me adore Him! 
    • All that hath life and breath come 
    • now with praises before Him! 
    • Let the Amen 
    • sound from His people again: 
    • gladly for aye we adore Him

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Joachim Neander, Language: English, Viewed: 795 times