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The Saviour died, but rose again

    • The Saviour died, but rose again 
    • triumphant from the grave; 
    • and pleads our cause at God’s right hand, 
    • omnipotent to save. 

    • Who then can e’er divide us more 
    • from Jesus and his love, 
    • or break the sacred chain that binds 
    • the earth to heaven above? 

    • Let troubles rise, and terrors frown, 
    • and days of darkness fall; 
    • through Him all dangers we’ll defy, 
    • and more than conquer all. 

    • Nor death nor life, nor earth nor hell, 
    • nor time’s destroying sway, 
    • can e’er efface us from His heart, 
    • or make His love decay. 

    • Each future period that will bless, 
    • as it has blessed the past; 
    • He loved us from the first of time, 
    • He loves us to the last

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Ur Williams Tans , Language: English, Viewed: 847 times