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There is no love like

    • There is no love like the love of Jesus; 
    • never to fade or fall, 
    • till into the fold of the house of God 
    • He has gathered us all. 

    • Jesus’ love! precious love! 
    • Boundless, and pure, and free; 
    • oh, turn to that love, weary wandering soul, 
    • Jesus pleadeth for thee! 

    • There is no heart like the heart of Jesus, 
    • filled with a tender love; 
    • no throb nor throe that our hearts can know, 
    • but He feels it above. 

    • There is no eye like the eye of Jesus, 
    • piercing so far away; 
    • ne’er out of the sight of its tender light 
    • can the wanderer stray. 

    • There is no voice like the voice of Jesus, 
    • tender and sweet its chime; 
    • like musical ring of a flowing spring 
    • in the bright summer time. 

    • Oh, let us hark to the voice of Jesus! 
    • Then we shall never roam; 
    • and we shall rest on His loving breast, 
    • all the way to our heavenly home.

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: W E Littlewood, Language: English, Viewed: 824 times