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When Sion's bondage

    • When Sion's bondage God turned back, 
    • as men that dreamed were we. 
    • Then filled with laughter was our mouth, 
    • our tongue with melody. 

    • They among the heathen said, The Lord 
    • great things for them hath wrought. 
    • The Lord hath done great things for us, 
    • whence joy to us is brought. 

    • As streams of water in the south, 
    • our bondage, Lord, recall. 
    • Who sow in tears, a reaping time 
    • of joy enjoy they shall. 

    • That man who, bearing precious seed, 
    • in going forth doth mourn, 
    • He doubtless, bringing back his sheaves, 
    • rejoicing shall return

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Unknown Artist, Language: English, Viewed: 231 times