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Ye servants of God

    • Ye servants of God,
    • Your Master proclaim,
    • And publish abroad
    • His wonderful name;
    • The name all-victorious
    • Of Jesus extol;
    • His kingdom is glorious
    • And rules over all.

    • God ruleth on high,
    • Almighty to save;
    • And still He is nigh,
    • His presence we have;
    • The great congregation
    • His triumph shall sing,
    • Ascribing salvation
    • To Jesus our King.

    • Salvation to God,
    • Who sits on the throne!
    • Let all cry aloud,
    • And honour the Son;
    • The praises of Jesus
    • The angels proclaim,
    • Fall down on their faces,
    • And worship the Lamb.

    • Then let us adore,
    • And give Him His right,
    • All glory and power,
    • All wisdom and might,
    • All honour and blessing,
    • With angels above,
    • And thanks never ceasing,
    • And infinite love.
  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Charles Wesley, Language: English, Viewed: 700 times