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Ye holy angels bright

    • Ye holy angels bright,
    • Who wait at God's right hand,
    • Or through the realms of light
    • Fly at your Lord's command,
    • Assist our song,
    • Or else the theme too high
    • Doth seem for mortal tongue.

    • Ye blessèd souls at rest,
    • Who see your Saviour's face,
    • Whose glory, e'en the least
    • Is far above our grace,
    • God's praises sound,
    • As in His sight
    • With sweet delight
    • Ye do abound.

    • Ye saints who toil below,
    • Adore your heavenly King,
    • And onward as ye go,
    • Some joyful anthem sing;
    • Take what He gives,
    • And praise Him still
    • Through good and ill,
    • Who ever lives.

    • My soul, bear thou thy part,
    • Triumph in God above,
    • And with a well-tuned heart
    • Sing thou the songs of love.
    • Let all thy days
    • Till life shall end,
    • Whate'er He send,
    • Be filled with praise.

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Richard Baxter, Language: English, Viewed: 897 times