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Drawn to the Cross which Thou hast blessed

    • Drawn to the Cross which Thou hast blessed, 
    • with healing gifts for souls distressed, 
    • to find in Thee my Life, my Rest, 
    • Christ crucified, I come. 

    • Weary of selfishness and pride, 
    • false pleasures gone, vain hopes denied, 
    • deep in Thy wounds my shame to hide, 
    • Christ crucified, I come. 

    • Wash me, and take away each stain, 
    • let nothing of my sin remain; 
    • for cleansing, though it be through pain, 
    • Christ crucified, I come. 

    • A life of labour, prayers and love, 
    • which shall my heart's conversion prove, 
    • till to a glorious rest above, 
    • Christ crucified, I come. 

    • To share with Thee Thy Life divine, 
    • Thy Righteousness, Thy Likeness mine, 
    • since Thou hast made my nature Thine, 
    • Christ crucified, I come. 

    • To be what Thou woulds't have me be, 
    • accepted, sanctified in Thee, 
    • through what Thy grace shall work in me, 
    • Christ crucified, I come. ........

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: G M Irons, Language: English, Viewed: 875 times