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Lord you know how much

    • Lord, you know how much 
    • I wanna know so much 
    • In the way of answers 
    • And explanation 
    • I have cried and prayed 
    • And still I seem to stay 
    • In the middle of life's, complications 

    • All this pursuing 
    • Leaves me feeling like 
    • I'm chasing down the wind 
    • But now its brought me back to you 
    • And I can see again 

    • This is everything I want 
    • This is everything I need 
    • I want this to be my one 
    • Consuming passion 
    • Everything my heart desires 
    • Lord I want it all to be for you 
    • Jesus 
    • Be my magnificent obsession 

    • So capture my heart again 
    • Take me to depths I've never been 
    • Into the riches of your grace and your mercy 
    • Return me to the cross 
    • Let me be completely lost 
    • In the wonder of the love 
    • That you've shown me 

    • Cut through these chains that tie me down 
    • To so many lesser things 
    • Let all my chains fall to the ground 
    • Until this one remains 

    • You are everything I want 
    • And you are everything I need 
    • Lord, you are all my heart desires 
    • You are everything to me ......
  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Unknown Artist, Language: English, Viewed: 244 times