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Lord I make a full surrender

    • Lord, I make a full surrender, 
    • all I have I yield to Thee; 
    • for Thy love so great and tender 
    • asks the gift of me. 

    • Lord, I bring my whole affection, 
    • claim it, take it for Thine own, 
    • safely kept by Thy protection, 
    • fixed on Thee alone. 

    • Lord, my will I here present Thee, 
    • gladly now no longer mine: 
    • let no evil thing prevent me 
    • blending it with Thine. 

    • Lord, my life I lay before Thee, 
    • hear, this hour, the sacred vow! 
    • All Thine own I now restore Thee, 
    • Thine for ever now. 

    • Glory, glory, hallelujah! 
    • I have given my all to God; 
    • and I now have full salvation, 
    • through the precious blood. 

    • Repeat last two lines of each verse ......
  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Unknown Artist, Language: English, Viewed: 255 times