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Let me come closer to Thee Lord Jesus

    • Let me come closer to Thee, Lord Jesus, 
    • oh, closer day by day! 
    • Let me lean harder on Thee, Lord Jesus, 
    • yes, harder all the way. 

    • Let me show forth Thy beauty, Lord Jesus, 
    • like the sunshine on the hills; 
    • oh, let my lips pour forth Thy sweetness 
    • in joyous, sparkling rills! 

    • Yes, like a fountain, precious Lord Jesus, 
    • make me and let me be; 
    • keep me and use me daily, Lord Jesus, 
    • for Thee, for only Thee. 

    • In all my heart and will, Lord Jesus, 
    • be altogether King! 
    • Make me a loyal subject, Lord Jesus, 
    • to Thee in everything. 

    • Thirsting and hungering for Thee, Lord Jesus, 
    • with blessed hunger here, 
    • looking for home on Zion‟s mountain, 
    • no thirst, no hunger there. ......
  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Joseph L Lyne , Language: English, Viewed: 714 times