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Crown Him

    • Crown Him with many crowns, 
    • The Lamb upon His throne; 
    • Hark, how the heavenly anthem drowns 
    • All music but its own! 
    • Awake, my soul, and sing 
    • Of Him who died for thee, 
    • And hail Him as thy matchless King 
    • Through all eternity. 

    • Crown Him the Lord of life, 
    • Who triumphed o'er the grave 
    • And rose victorious in the strife 
    • For those He came to save: 
    • His glories now we sing, 
    • Who died and rose on high, 
    • Who died eternal life to bring 
    • And lives that death may die. 

    • Crown Him the Lord of love; 
    • Behold His hands and side, 
    • Those wounds yet visible above 
    • In beauty glorified: 
    • No angel in the sky 
    • Can fully bear that sight, 
    • But downward bends His burning eye 
    • At mysteries so bright. 

    • Crown Him the Lord of peace, 
    • Whose power a sceptre sways 
    • From pole to pole, that wars may cease, 
    • And all be prayer and praise: 
    • His reign shall know no end, 
    • And round His piercèd feet 
    • Fair flowers of paradise extend 
    • Their fragrance ever sweet. 

    • Crown Him the Lord of years, 
    • The Potentate of time, 
    • Creator of the rolling spheres, 
    • Ineffably sublime! 
    • All hail, Redeemer, hail! 
    • For Thou hast died for me; 
    • Thy praise shall never, never fail 
    • Throughout eternity

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Matthew Bridges , Language: English, Viewed: 545 times