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Come with me

    • Come with me, visit Calvary, 
    • where our Redeemer died; 
    • His blood, it fills the fountain, 
    • „This full, „This deep, „This wide. 
    • He died from sin to sever 
    • our hearts and lives complete; 
    • He saves and keeps for ever 
    • those lying at His feet. 

    • To the uttermost He saves, 
    • to the uttermost He saves, 
    • dare you now believe and His love 
    • receive, 
    • to the uttermost Jesus saves. 

    • I will surrender fully, 
    • and do His blessed will; 
    • His blood doth make me holy, 
    • His presence me doth fill. 
    • He‟s saving, I‟m believing, 
    • this blessing now I claim; 
    • His Spirit I‟m receiving, 
    • my heart is in a flame. 

    • I‟ve wondrous peace through trusting, 
    • a well of joy within; 
    • this rest is everlasting, 
    • each day I triumph win. 
    • He gives me heavenly measure 
    • pressed down and running o‟er, 
    • oh, what a priceless treasure, 
    • glory for evermore! 

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: J Lawley , Language: English, Viewed: 631 times