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Doubt Him not

    • Doubt Him not, although He leadeth 
    • other ways than hope had said; 
    • all the grace thy spirit needeth 
    • dwells in Him. Be not afraid! 

    • I will trust Thee - yes, will trust Thee! 
    • Nought I need of other aid; 
    • All sufficient Thou, my Saviour! 
    • Never will I be afraid. 

    • Fret thee not about the morrow; 
    • faint thou not for hope delayed; 
    • He will lead, through joy, through sorrow 
    • to thy Home. Be not afraid! 

    • Does some fierce temptation try thee? 
    • Look to Him who bruised its head; 
    • see the Conqueror standing by thee; 
    • trust in Him. Be not afraid! 

    • Faileth all of earth‟s reliance? 
    • Do thy ‘vine and fig-tree’ fade? 
    • Thou canst bid all foes defiance 
    • through thy Lord. Be not afraid! 

    • Does there come a time of testing, 
    • when thine all of strength seems fled? 
    • His strength then on thee is resting 
    • if thou trust. Be not afraid! 

    • Trusting thus and trusting ever, 
    • on the Lord Jehovah stayed. 
    • Thou at last shalt ford the river 
    • safe, through Him. Be not afraid! ........

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: H E Govan, Language: English, Viewed: 607 times