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Depth of mercy!

    • Depth of mercy! can there be 
    • mercy still reserved for me? 
    • Can my God His wrath forbear? 
    • Me, the chief of sinners, spare? 

    • I have long withstood His grace, 
    • long provoked Him to His face; 
    • would not hearken to His calls, 
    • grieved Him by a thousand falls. 

    • Whence to me this waste of love? 
    • Ask my Advocate above! 
    • See the cause in Jesus‟ face, 
    • now before the throne of grace. 

    • There for me the Saviour stands, 
    • shows His wounds and spreads His hands: 
    • God is love, I know, I feel: 
    • Jesus lives, and loves me still. 

    • If I rightly read Thy heart, 
    • if Thou all compassion art, 
    • bow Thine ear, in mercy bow, 
    • pardon and accept me now! 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Charles Wesley, Language: English, Viewed: 692 times