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Come, Saviour Jesus

    • Come, Saviour Jesus, from above, 
    • assist me with Thy heavenly grace, 
    • empty my heart of earthly love, 
    • and for Thyself prepare the place. 

    • Oh, let Thy sacred presence fill, 
    • and set my longing spirit free 
    • to have, henceforth, no other will, 
    • but day and night to follow Thee. 

    • While in this region here below, 
    • no other good will I pursue; 
    • I bid this world of noise and show, 
    • with all its glittering snares, adieu. 

    • Wealth, honour, pleasure, and what else 
    • this short-enduring world can give, 
    • tempt as ye will, my soul repels, 
    • to Christ alone resolved to live. 

    • Henceforth let no profane delight 
    • divide this consecrated soul; 
    • possess it Thou, who hast the right, 
    • as Lord and Master of the whole. 

    • Thee would I love, and Thee alone, 
    • with pure delight and inward bliss; 
    • to know Thou takest me for Thine own; 
    • oh, what a happiness is this!

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Charles Wesley, Language: English, Viewed: 577 times