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Come, every soul

    • Come, every soul by sin opprest, 
    • there‟s mercy with the Lord; 
    • and He will surely give you rest, 
    • by trusting in His word. 

    • Only trust Him, only trust Him, 
    • only trust Him now! 
    • He will save you, He will save you, 
    • He will save you now! 

    • For Jesus shed His precious blood 
    • rich blessings to bestow: 
    • plunge now into the crimson flood 
    • that washes white as snow. 

    • Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Way 
    • that leads you into rest; 
    • believe in Him without delay, 
    • and you are fully blest. 

    • Come, then, and join this holy band, 
    • and on to glory go, 
    • to dwell in that celestial land 
    • where joys immortal flow

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Rev J H Stockton , Language: English, Viewed: 574 times