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Gone from my heart

    • Gone from my heart the world with all its charm; 
    • now through the blood I‟m saved from sin‟s alarm; 
    • down at the cross my heart is bending low, 
    • the precious blood of Jesus washes white as snow. 

    • I love Him, I love Him, because He 
    • first loved me, 
    • and purchased my salvation on 
    • Mount Calvary. 

    • Once I was far away, deep down in sin, 
    • once was a slave to passions fierce within; 
    • once was afraid to meet an angry God, 
    • but now I‟m cleansed from every stain through Jesus‟ blood. 

    • Once I was bound, but now I am set free, 
    • once I was blind, but now the light I see; 
    • once I was dead, but now in God I live, 
    • and tell the world around the peace that He doth give

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Unknown Artist, Language: English, Viewed: 239 times