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God is working

    • God is working His purpose out, 
    • As year succeeds to year; 
    • God is working His purpose out, 
    • And the time is drawing near; 
    • Nearer and nearer draws the time, 
    • The time that shall surely be, 
    • When the earth shall be filled 
    • With the glory of God, 
    • As the waters cover the sea. 

    • From utmost East to utmost West, 
    • Where'er man's foot hath trod, 
    • By the mouth of many messengers 
    • Goes forth the voice of God; 
    • Give ear to Me, ye continents, 
    • Ye isles, give ear to Me, 
    • That the earth may be filled 
    • With the glory of God, 
    • As the waters cover the sea. 

    • March we forth in the strength of God 
    • With the banner of Christ unfurled, 
    • That the light of the glorious gospel of truth 
    • May shine throughout the world: 
    • Fight we the fight with sorrow and sin, 
    • To set their captives free, 
    • That the earth may be filled 
    • With the glory of God, 
    • As the waters cover the sea. 

    • All we can do is nothing worth, 
    • Unless God blesses the deed; 
    • Vainly we hope for the harvest-tide 
    • Till God gives life to the seed; 
    • Yet nearer and nearer draws the time, 
    • The time that shall surely be, 
    • When the earth shall be filled 
    • With the glory of God, 
    • As the waters cover the sea

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Arthur C. Ainger , Language: English, Viewed: 503 times