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Glory to Thee

    • Glory to Thee; Thou Son of God most High, 
    • all praise to Thee! 
    • Glory to Thee, enthroned above the sky, 
    • who died for me; 
    • high on Thy throne, Thine ear, Lord Jesus bend 
    • as grateful hearts now to Thyself ascend. 

    • Deep were Thy sorrows, Lord, when heaven frowned - 
    • Gethsemane! 
    • Bloodlike Thy sweat, Lord, falling to the ground 
    • so heavily; 
    • dark was the night, but heaven was darker still, 
    • O Christ my God, is this the Father‟s will? 

    • Thorns wreathed Thy brow when hanging on the tree, 
    • man‟s cruelty! 
    • Why lavish love like this, O Lord, on me? 
    • Thou lovest me! 
    • Would that my soul could understand its length, 
    • its breadth, depth, height, and everlasting strength! 

    • Thy precious blood was freely shed for me 
    • on Calvary 
    • to save me from a lost eternity; 
    • glory to Thee! 
    • Nor death, nor hell, nor things below - above 
    • can sever me from Thy eternal love. 

    • Like shoreless seas, Thy love can know no bound; 
    • Thou lovest me! 
    • Deep, vast, immense, unfathomed, Lord, profound, 
    • Lord, I love Thee! 
    • And when above, my crown is at Thy feet, 
    • I‟ll praise Thee still for Calvary‟s 
    • mercy seat

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Unknown Artist, Language: English, Viewed: 2110 times