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From the heart

    • From the heart whose cup o'erfloweth, 
    • from the crowned life, 
    • from the souls made more than 
    • conquerors 
    • in the midst of strife, 
    • rises one glad ‘Hallelujah’ 
    • to the King of love, 
    • as a fragrance sweet ascending 
    • to His throne above. 

    • Praise to Thee who hast redeemed us, 
    • O all-glorious King! 
    • Now and through the endless ages 
    • shall Thy praises ring, 
    • shall Thy praises ring, 
    • shall Thy praises ring. 
    • Now and through the endless ages 
    • shall Thy praises ring. 

    • Praise for all the full deliverance 
    • of Thy wondrous Cross, 
    • where to death our life we yielded, 
    • that most blessed loss. 
    • Praise for that deep, boundless ocean 
    • of the life in Thee, 
    • and the anointing of Thy Spirit 
    • which hath set us free. 

    • Praise for all Thy grace untasted 
    • lying yet before, 
    • and the things past understanding 
    • Thou hast kept in store. 
    • Praise for life within the Holiest 
    • even now begun, 
    • for the radiance pure and holy 
    • of the unsetting Sun. 

    • But past all the bliss Thou sheddest 
    • on the yielded heart, 
    • we would praise Thee and adore Thee, 
    • Lord, for what Thou art. 
    • Evermore in lowly worship 
    • bending at Thy feet, 
    • till within the gates of glory 
    • face to face we meet

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Freda Hanbury Allen, Language: English, Viewed: 623 times