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From every stormy

    • From every stormy wind that blows, 
    • from every swelling tide of woes, 
    • there is a calm, a sure retreat; 
    • „This found beneath the Mercy seat. 

    • There is a place where Jesus sheds 
    • the oil of gladness on our heads; 
    • a place than all beside more sweet 
    • it is the blood-stained Mercy seat. 

    • There is a scene where spirits blend, 
    • where friend holds fellowship with friend; 
    • though scattered far, by faith we meet 
    • around one common Mercy seat. 

    • There, there, on eagle‟s wings we soar, 
    • till sense and sin molest no more, 
    • and heaven comes down our souls to greet, 
    • and glory crowns the Mercy seat! 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: H Stowell , Language: English, Viewed: 549 times